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Beach Ball in Pool

Do You Need a Monthly Pool Care Service? Take Our Quiz to Find Out

If you're like most people, you probably don't have a lot of time to spend on pool care. Between work, family, and other obligations, who has time for that? That's where a monthly pool care service comes in. A good pool care service will take care of all the maintenance and cleaning for your pool, so you can relax and enjoy it without having to worry about a thing. If you're not sure whether you need a monthly pool care service, take our quiz. By answering these questions, you can find out which option is the best fit for your needs.

Do You Need a Monthly Pool Care Service? Take Our Quiz to Find Out

How Do You Know If You Need A Monthly Pool Care Service?

Most people only think about swimming pool care when they're planning on using their pool. But, even if you don't use your pool all the time, it still needs regular care to stay in good shape. So, how do you know if you need a monthly pool care service? Below is a series of questions you need to answer to find out if you need a monthly pool care service.

  • Do you know how to care for your pool?

If you don't know how to care for your pool, then you need a monthly pool service. Sure, there are plenty of guides online that can help teach you the basics, but they won't work if something goes wrong with your equipment or pool chemicals. It's also important because these articles aren’t tailored specifically to your swimming pool needs. A certified professional will be able to properly evaluate and test everything to provide solutions that work best for your specific situation.

  • Do you have the time to care for your pool?

If you don't have the time to care for your pool and want everything taken care of, then a monthly service is right for you. Even if you know how to take care of it, there may be times when life gets in the way. If that's something that happens often, or even just sometimes, then having someone else handle things on your behalf might make more sense financially than paying extra money each month because repairs were needed due to neglecting upkeep tasks in favor of doing other things with family members, friends and loved ones.

  • Are you willing to pay for pool service?

If you're not willing to pay for pool service, then there's a good chance that your swimming pool will end up costing more money in the long run than it would have if someone else took care of it. However, this doesn't mean that you can't take care of your pool. It just means when it comes time for repairs or maintenance work, having someone come out and handle things on your behalf might be worth spending some extra cash so they don't have to do all those tasks themselves, which may cost more.

  • Is your pool located in an area with extreme weather?

If you live in an area where the winters are long and cold, or the summers can be hot and humid for months at a time without any relief from either one of those extremes, then it's probably worth having someone come out once per month to check on things. This is especially true if there's snowfall during the winter months because when that happens you might not be able to get outside as often so they'll need more frequent visits just so everything stays running smoothly all year round.

  • Is your swimming area covered or uncovered?

If your swimming area is covered, it's less important to have someone come out monthly because there's not as much debris that can get into the pool. However, if you live in an area with a lot of trees or if your swimming area is uncovered, then it's more important to have regular visits so that leaves and other objects don't find their way into the water and cause problems.

  • Do you own a pool vacuum?

Even if you take care of all the cleaning yourself, chances are good that at some point you'll need to use a pool vacuum to clean certain areas that are harder to reach. If you're not willing to purchase one or don't know how to use one, then having someone else do all the cleaning for you each month is a good idea.

  • How old is your swimming pool?

If your swimming pool is older than five years old, then hiring a monthly service may make sense because they will know how best to maintain its condition for years to come. Plus, they can help you save money on repairs by catching them before they become too big of an issue.

Whether you’re looking for a monthly pool care service or just want to be sure that your current one is doing their job well, there are some questions you can ask yourself. The answers will help determine if it's time to make the switch. If you answered yes to any of the questions in the quiz, it's time for a pool care service. We can help. Just give us a call and we'll take care of everything from start to finish.

Do You Need a Professional Pool Cleaning Service You Can Trust?

Maintaining a healthy pool involves much more than just your basic cleaning. A healthy pool requires a complex understanding of chemistry, water & the principles behind balancing it. That's why your friends here at Clear Swim Pool Care are Licensed and PCCR & CPI Certified by the National Swimming Pool Foundation, and much more. We utilize the latest pool maintenance technology, saving our clients up to 50% in monthly pool energy costs using high-efficiency and variable-speed pool pumps, as well as pioneering the use of healthier alternatives to chlorine and other harsh chemicals. In this regard, we use salt-based chlorine and disinfection systems that are safer for you and your family. We proudly serve Birmingham, Alabama, and the surrounding communities of Hoover, Vestavia Hills, and Mountain Brook. Contact us today to request a free quote or water analysis.  We look forward to working with you!

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